Info’s: In this race for performance, the recent 2015/2016 gliders are having very thin line set up. Whether on a B, C, or D glider, I have found that those gliders from different manufacturer does in fact change slightly (Still with a large safety margin, within the permitted stretch tolerance with no required adjustment) …They just settle to a certain configuration…Some after 20 hours, and some after 100 hours…But they do change slightly…That’s why flying them again and again will in fact change their characteristic slightly, and this will show on marginal conditions, especially in weak conditions, or in strong head wind conditions.
The best I can do….
Most easy to fly in difficult conditions (most comfortable) :
1-Swing Nyos -RS= Supair Leaf M @ 90 (very comfortable) = Icaro Gravis M @100= AD Rise 2 M = Atlas X-Alps S = Ion 4 S @ 96 = Buzz Z5 SM @95 = Hook 3 25 = UP Kibo SM @ 92 = Epsilon 8 25 @ 95 = Nova Phantom S @ 95 = U-Turn Cross rock S @ 88
2-Sprint EVO= Eden 5 = Advance E7 26 = Kantega XC2= Ion 3 S = Atlas S= Infinity4 S = Swift 4 SM = AD Rise 2 S Superlight = Skyman Cross country S =U-Cruise M @ 97 = 777 Knight MS @ 93 = Ozone Rush 5 MS at 92.
3- Mentor 5 = Rush 3 = Mentor 3 S = Summit XC 3 S = Iota 26 = Iota 2 25 = Rise 3 S = Triple Seven Rook 2 SM = Carrera Plus S = Base M = Swing Nyos M @ 98 = Eden 6 26 @ 96 = Mentor 4 S @ 96 = Ikuma 25 = GIN Sprint 3 M @ 101 = Nevada 2 S @ 88 = Chili 4 XS @ 92 = Explorer S @ 95
4-Tequila 4 = Rush 4 = Windtech Bali = Skywalk Aruba 3 S = Sky Apollo M = Mentor 4 XS light = Chili 4 XS @ 92
5-Blacklight SM = Nevada = Sky Atis 4 = Comet 2 S= Swing Mistral 7 S
6-Mentor 2 = Lightning S
7-Chili 3 = UP Summit XC 4
8-Carrera S, M
Climb rate in very weak conditions (float-ability)
1-Carrera Plus S @ 91 = Chili 3 S @ 98 = Infinity 4 S@ 90 = UP Kantega XC2 S @ 90 = U-Turn Blacklight SM @ 98 = Atlas X-Alps S @ 92 & M @ 102 = Swift SM @ 90 = Skyman Cross country S @ 88 = Chili 4 XS @ 92 = Explorer S @ 95 = Mentor 5 S @ 95 = Iota 2 -25 @ 96 = Ozone Rush 5 MS at 92
2-Nevada = Rush 4 SM @ 90 = Mentor 2 S (Still Efficient) = Tequila 4 SM = Ion 4 S @ 95 = Eden 6 26 @ 96 = Buzz Z5 SM @88 = Eden 5 = Carrera S, M =Triple Seven Rook 2 SM = Lightning S @90 = Arriba 3 S @ 92 = Mentor 4 S @ 94 = Mentor 4 XS light = Supair Leaf M @ 90 = Icaro Gravis M @100 = UP Summit XC 4 @ 96= 777 Knight MS @ 93= AD Rise 3 S @ 90 = U-Turn Cross rock S at 88.
3-Mentor 3 S @ 95 = AD Rise 2 M = Gin Sprint 3 M @ 101 = U-Cruise @ 97= Swing Nyos -RS
= Atlas S @ 90 = Hook 3 = Base M @ 90 = Rise 2 S Superlight @ 90 = Iota 26 @ 95 = Windtech Bali @ 95 = Sky Apollo M @ 92 = Nevada 2 S @ 88 = Epsilon 8 25 = Nova Phantom S @ 95
4-Summit XC 3 S @ 93 = Comet 2 S @ 88 = Ion 3 S @ 95 = Ikuma 25 = UP Kibo SM @ 92
5- Sky Atis 4 = Advance E 7 26 = Swing M7 S @ 92 = Swing Nyos M @ 98
Climb rate in OVERALL conditions for XC flying (difficult ,weak, or strong) .
“Relatively moving conditions”
1-Carrera Plus S @ 94 = Chili 3 S @ 98 = Carrera S, M = Swift SM @ 92 = Mentor 4 S @ 97 = Mentor 4 XS light = Supair Leaf M = Chili 4 XS @ 92 = Explorer S @ 95 = Mentor 5 S @ 96 =Iota 2 -25 @ 96 = AD Rise 3 S @ 90 = Ozone Rush 5 MS @ 92
2- Swing Nyos -RS= Nevada 1= Triple Seven Rook 2 SM @ 93 = U-Turn Blacklight SM= Rush 4 SM = Mentor 2 S (Still Efficient) = Mentor 3 S ( it is very dampened) = Tequila 4 SM = AD Rise 2 M = Atlas S = Base M = Rise 2 S Superlight = Atlas X-Alps S & M = Ion 4 S @ 95 = Eden 6 26 @ 96 = Buzz Z5 SM @ 92 = Skyman Cross Country S = Gin Sprint 3 M @ 101 = Sky Apollo M = Arriba 3 S @ 92 =U-Cruise M @ 97=UP Summit XC 4 @ 96 = U-Turn Cross rock S at 88.
3-Iota 26 = Windtech Bali = NK Ikuma 25 = Swing Nyos M @ 98 = Up Kibo SM = Icaro Gravis M @100 = 777 Knight MS @ 93
4-Summit XC 3 S @ 93 = Comet 2 S = Ion 3 S =Epsilon 8 25 @ 95 = Nevada 2 S @ 88 =
5-Hook 3 = Eden 5 = Sky Atis 4= Advance E 7 26 = UP Kantega XC2 S = Infinity 4 S = Swing M7 S = Lightning S @90 (These gliders have a superb climb in calm conditions away from the valley breeze. Differences are very small .Its up to the pilot !)
Glide in “OVERALL” conditions (upwind, downwind, racing in difficult conditions) Or “efficiency” ! Done in active air.
1- Explorer S @ 95 = Mentor 5 S @96 = UP Summit XC 4 @ 96 = Carrera S, M = Ozone Rush 5 MS
2- Chili 4 XS @ 92 = Mentor 4 S = Iota 26 = Carrera Plus = Rook 2 SM = Mentor 4 XS light = Iota 2 -25 = AD Rise 3 S = Swing Nyos -RS
3- Eden 6 26 @ 96 = Nyos M @ 98 = Nova Phantom S @ 98 = U-Turn Crossrock S @ 88
4- Sprint 3 M @ 101= U-Cruise M @ 97
5-Mentor 3 S = Chili 3 S = Ion 4 S @ 95 = Sky Apollo M @ 93 = Nevada 2 S @ 88
6-Rush 4 = AD Rise 2 = Swift 4 SM = Ikuma 25 = Skyman Cross country S = UP Kibo SM @ 92 = Icaro Gravis M @100 = 777 Knight MS @ 93
7-Nevada 1 26 (must be loaded at 100 ) = Windtech Bali = Hook 3 = Tequila 4 SM = Mentor 2 S = Arriba 3 S = Buzz Z5 SM @ 92 = Epsilon 8 25 @ 95
8-Blacklight SM (loaded) = Ion 3 S = Sky Atis 4 M = Swing Mistral 7 S = Atlas X-Alps =AD Rise 2 S Superlight = UP Summit XC3 S size (M&L could be different) = Atlas X-Alps S =UP Summit XC3 S
9-BGD Base M = Supair Leaf M @ 90 = kantega XC2 S = Rush 3 M = AD Rise 1 = Infinity 4 S = Eden 5 = Comet 2 S = Atlas S = Advance E7 26 ( The differences are small with ± half a point in L/D max, in “relatively moderate conditions” . (Racing in stronger conditions will show bigger differences)
Fun feel : “pleasure to fly, “agile” and higher overall fun feeling” IMHO
1-Tequila 4 S @ + 91 kg = Arriba 3 @ 90 all up
2- Buzz Z5 SM @ 90 = Base M @ + 91 kg / Infinity 4 S @ + 89 Kg = Swift 4 @ + 91 Kg / Atlas S / Sky Atis 4 M @ + 95 Kg / Swing Mistral 7 @ +92 Kg / Mentor 2 S @ +95 Kg / Comet 2 S @ + 93 Kg / =UP Kibo SM @ 93 = Sky Apollo M @ 92 = Mentor 4 XS light = Supair Leaf M @ 90 = Chili 4 XS @ 92 = Explorer S @ 95 = Ion 4 S @ 96 = Mentor 5 S @96=UP Summit XC4 @ 96 = 777 Knight MS @ 93
3-Rush 4 @ + 91 Kg / Carrera S @ + 92 kg / Blacklight S @ +91 Kg / Blacklight SM @ + 100 Kg / UP Kantega XC2 @ + 95 Kg / Mentor 3 & 4 S @ +95 Kg / Advance Iota @ + 96 Kg / Wintech Bali M @ + 97 Kg / Chili 3 @ + 100 Kg / AD Rise 2 S superlight @ + 89 Kg =Triple Seven Rook 2 SM @ 97 = Nyos 26 @ 99 = Ikuma 25 = Eden 6 26 @ 96 = Skyman Cross country S @ 88 = Gin Sprint 3 M @ 101 = Epsilon 8 = Nevada 2 S = U-Cruise 25 =Nova Phantom S @96 = Icaro Gravis M @100 =Iota 2 -25 = AD Rise 3 S = Swing Nyos -RS @ 92 .
4-Ozone Rush 5 MS at 92 = U-Turn Crossrock S at 88
5- Rise 2 M @ + 103 Kg / Nevada 26 @ + 100 Kg / Ion 3 S @ + 97 Kg / Hook 3 M @ + 97 Kg /UP Summit XC3 @ + 93 kg / AD Rise 1 @ + 95 Kg = Atlas X-Alps S & M
Most demanding glider in “strong conditions” (1-10) ’10’ being most demanding for a high end B ‘: ( Please bear in mind the ‘size’ and the ‘wing loading’ ! )
* Some C’s and D’s were included to inform pilots about their demanding behavior (Forum request) .
Supair Leaf M (@90 all up) * 3.9
Advance E7 26 (@93 all up) * 3.9
GIN Atlas X-Alps ( S @ 94 all up) *3.9
AD Rise 2 M (@98all up) *4
Swing Nyos -RS (@ 92 all up) *4
UP Kibo SM @ 92 *4
Skyman cross country S @ 88 *4
Eden 5 (@ 95 all up) *4
Hook 3 (@97 all up) *4
Epsilon 8 25 (@95 all up) *4
Buzz Z5 SM @ 92 *4
Nova Ion 4 S @ 95 *4
BGD Base M (@90all up) *4.5
Rush 3 M (@102 all up) *4.5
Sprint Evo ( @ 98 all up ) *4.5
Nova Ion 3 S (@ 95 all up) *5.0
Nova Phantom S (@95 allup) *5.0
777 Knight MS @ 93 * 5.0
U-Turn Infinity 4 S (@ 90all up) *5.0
Gin Atlas S (@ 92 all up ) * 5.0
UP Kantega Xc2 S (@ 90 all up)*5.0
Air Cross U-Cruise M (@97 all up)*5.3
Rush 5 MS (@92 all up) *5.3
Cross rock S (@88 all up) * 5.3
AD Rise 1 (@ 102 all up) *5.5
Windtech Bali (@95 all up) *5.5
Swift 4 SM (@ 92 all up) *5.5
Triple Seven Rook 2 SM ( at 97) *5.5
Eden 6 26 @ 96 *5.5
Nyos M @ 98 *5.5
Iota 26 ( @ 95 all up) *5.5
Iota 2 25 (@97all up) *5.5
Gin Sprint 3 M @ 101 *5.5
Blacklight SM (@100 all up)*5.5
Sky Atis 4 M (@93 all up) *5.5
Nevada 26 (@ 100 all up ) *5.5
Mentor 3 S ( @97 all up) *5.5
Mentor 5 S (@96all up) *5.5
Tequila 4 SM (@92 all up) *5.5
Ikuma 25 @ 94 * 5.6
Nevada 2 S (@88 all up) *5.6
AD Rise 3 S (@92) *5.6
Mentor 4 S ( @ 95 all up) *5.6
Chili 4 XS @92 *5.6
Arriba 3 S at 92 all up *5.6
Mentor 4 XS light * 5.7
Sky Apollo M @ 92 *5.7
Axis Comet 2 S (@90 all up 5.8
UP Summit XC3 @ 93 all up. 6.0
GIN Carrera plus S @ 94 all up *6.0
Explorer S @ 95 *6.0
Swing M7 S (@90all up) *6.0
Rush 4 SM (@93 all up) *6.0
Blacklight S ( @ 90 all up) *6.5
Lightning S @ (90 all up) 6.5
Mentor 2 S (@ 95 all up) *6.5
Up Summit XC 3 S (@94 all up) *7.0
Up Summit XC4 SM (@96 allup) *7.0
Chili 3 S (@ 98all up) *7.0
Carrera S, M 8.0
C & D gliders:
This grade is to say how busy a glider is, in strong conditions, or the one that’s more difficult to manage, comparing to the B category.
Since this is a very delicate comparison, i must point out that the glider that has quicker authority on the brakes like the Triton 2 will enable a good pilot to keep it swiftly overhead. Some doesn’t have that quick response and in strong conditions they won’t keep the pilot as busy, but he will be the ‘passenger’ for a short lapse of time …
The grade doesn’t indicate the one that recovers easier or harder!!Only that keep you busier! Most will have easier recovery than the higher graded!
Mac Elan M (@98all up) *7
Swing Nexus (@94 all up) *7.0
Mac Elan light 24 (@90 all up) *7.5
Advance Sigma 9 25 (@91 all up) *7.5
Niviuk Artik 4 25 (@91 all up) *8.5
Ozone Alpina 2 MS (@92 all up) * 8.5
Ozone Alpina 3 MS (@ 93 all up) *8.5
Delta 2 SM size (@ 92 all up) *9
777 Queen M (@ 101 all up) *9.1
Supair Taska S ( @94 all up) *9.1
BGD Cure (@ 93 all up) *9.3
Aspen 5 26 (@98all up) *10
Skyman CrossAlps S (@90 all up) *10.5
Skywalk Spice XS (@90 all up) *10.8
Skywalk Cayenne 5 XS (90 all up) *11
Sol Lotus one (@ 98 all up) *11
UP Trango Race SM (@ 97 all up) *11.5
Ozone Mantra 6 SM (@94 all up) *12
Gradient XC 5 26 (@96allup) *12
Ozone LM6 SM (@95 all up) *12.2
Gin Gto 2 S size (@94 all up) *12.5
Skywalk Poison X-Alps *12.5
Triton 2 in S size (@ 96 all up) *12.5 (M size could be different) !
Niviuk Peak 4 23 (98all up) *12.5
Niviuk Peak 4 21 (@86all up) *13
Niviuk IP6 26 (@98 all up) *13.5
Ozone Zeno MS (@98 all up) *13.5
Ozone R-10 S (@ 98 all up) *15.0
The Leaf is impressively comfortable and agile. I was hoping for better glide but it’s super cool !
The Epsilon 8 has good performance for a low B. It’s comfortable with nice handling.
The U-Cruise has a high degree of comfort. The performance is really good, and a high trim speed.Agile, feels like a solid tough structure!
The Nevada 2 has less brake travel than the 1, the performance is nice and the climb is moderate to fair.
The Eden 5 has less top speed of 3-4 km than the others.
The Hook 3 is very comfortable to fly with a very interesting glide angle. The climb in smooth conditions is fair.
The Mentor 3 is much easier than the Mentor 2, and its efficiency is in those turbulent glides where it will have less pitch movements and little better glide.
The Mentor 4 has better glide than the Mentor 3 but with lesser climb “only” in weak conditions.
The Ikuma is a comfortable glider with nice handling. The overall performance is is in the mid of the High B category.
The Iota has a very good glide similar to the Mentor 4, It has a nice climb similar to the Mentor “3”.
The Chili 3 S “still” has the best climb rate and a very nice handling in homogenous conditions. But with a very long brake travel.
The Advance E7 26 is the most confidence inspiring rock solid glider of the cat. It reminded me of the low B cat in comfort.
The BGD Base is a confidence inspiring, solid glider. The climb and handling are very good.
The Atis 4 has a bit roll movement and need some active piloting in the high end B’s.
It has a fast trim speed, much like the M3 and Chili 3. Long brake travel are needed to let the glider respond in turbulent conditions.
The UP Kantega XC2 S is a very nice wing to fly .It has nice handling and also superb climb overall being also very accessible.
The Swing M7 S is a delight to fly. It dives a bit into turns. It is fast enough for a B, and has enough performance. Not really a floater but a nice glider overall.
The Rush 4 has a very good glide . It is an overall good, very solid B glider, but its trim speed is around 38 km/h and especially the top speed which is low for the cat around 51 km/h .
The fastest are Mentor 3, XC3, Mistral 7…But it is around 55-km/h max.
The AD rise 2 M has the BEST ratio Performance/Comfort in flight!
The Tequila 4 SM is like a precious gem! Combining agility/performance/accessibility!
The Infinity 4 has a very light and nice turning behavior! It has a low trim speed , and the climb rate even loaded is outstanding!
The Comet 2 S give a nice feeling under it. It has a very nice handling.
The Windtech Bali has a respected glide angle. It needs slightly active piloting in big air.
The Atlas S has everything to make its pilot very happy, with a good feeling of passive safety. The X-Alps version of the Atlas has more performance overall, especially in climb.
The Arriba is slightly more dynamic than the Tequila 4 and a pleasurable glider to fly.
The Rook 2 is a well-balanced high performance B glider, with nice handling and efficiency.
The Nyos is very comfortable, made for strong conditions. The gliding performance is very good !
The Eden 6 26 is a very balanced all round B glider toward performance flying, and respecting a pleasant pleasurable feel!
The Buzz Z5 has an upgrade over the Z4 in performance while retaining the comfort. The brake pressure and feel in thermals is really nice!
The Cross country is a light glider with pleasurable handling, and comfortable behavior.
The UP Kibo is an accessible B glider with a comfortable ride.
The Sky Apollo is a pleasure to fly.
The Gin Sprint 3 M performance /comfort ratio is very good.
The Chili 4 has lots of performance. It’s an excellent B glider with moderate aspect ratio.
The Mentor 5 S has the top overall performance in the B segment. Close top the Chili 4. Its relatively an easy B glider..Easier than the M4, and could be similar to the M3 in pilot level.
The Phantom has a very high performance for a very low aspect ratio. If the price would be +1.50 % from the others then it’s highly justified…
The Explorer with it’s 6.1 AR, is a light, soft, easy to use, and great companion for XC use
The UP Summit XC4 with its B rating, is IMHO a mild (C) glider, like the Carrera series. The overall performance and handling is really on top !
The Iota 2 has a very accessible and easy to use speed system. A very nice XC machine !
The Rise 3 S flown at top is a serious contender for the new 2017 high B’s.
The Nyos -RS has the best ratio of : comfort / performance in the high B segment ! A very good XC machine for strong air.
The Ozone Rush 5 has the best ratio of comfort/performance for a high B !
The Cross rock is a very interesting light B glider, with very accessible use and very good performance.
Conclusion: The Carrera plus has now two direct competitors, the M5 and the Chili 4 in pure gliding power and climb!
The M5 and the Chili 4 have a low aspect ratio, but totally competitive with the best high aspect ratio B gliders.
The Carrera plus climb is even better than the original version only in weak and moderate conditions. The more the headwind, the original version cut forward more efficiently.
The Phantom is a cool glider for long XC’s in the Alps! Its overall performance will get you anywhere in a cool manner. Just fly it at +75% of its weight range for efficiency.
The AD Rise 2 is very comfortable to fly with a superb glide for the high B category.
The AD Rise 3 has the top performance in 2017, with a good efficiency for a B.
The Iota 2 -25 flown at top, is a super efficient and easy gliding machine that can get great results for the years to come.
The Rush 4 like the Swift 4 has nearly the glide of the Mentor 3 but with lesser speed. It’s an overall efficient glider in difficult conditions where it could cut through turbulence and have a very solid and compact feel coupled with a direct handling.
The Mentor 4 has now the best glide in difficult conditions among the similar aspect ratio B’s very close to the Iota and the Rook 2. The climb in very weak conditions still favors the Mentor 3 S similarly loaded.
The Atlas X-Alps is an easy “all rounder” with very good performance especially in weak climbs and low saves.
I’m certain that a good pilot can break an XC record with ANY of those superb B gliders from above!
Please pick the one that will make you feel happy under it ….The rest is up to you!
Very good comparison! Thank you! I just miss the Skywalk Poison X-Alps in the C/D conclusion…
Done ! Thank yu.
Hi Ziad ! Thanks for this complete review ! Which grades would you give to the Poison X Alps and the Zeno ? (for the sizes you've tested) Happy flights :o)
Done. Thank you.
Great news Ziad.
And the blacklihthg 2?
Thanks for all!!!!!
cheers, Rolf
Thanks for all, waiting For sol sycross
I'm really sorry…Can't get one for now.
Cheers, Ziad
Thanks for all, waiting For sol sycross. Please.
I'm really sorry…Can't get one for now.
Cheers, Ziad
Hello, Ziad,
There is no Ion 4 in "Fun feel : “pleasure to fly, “agile” and higher overall fun feeling” IMHO"
Updated. Thank you.
Hi Ziad,
Would it be possible for you to rank the 777 King in the C & D gliders?
Also, how would you compare it with the UP Trango X-Race?
Thank you for your work.
Hi Fernando,
Sure.ill update it shortly.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hi again Ziad,
Sorry if I'm being pushy, but maybe even before you "officialy" update the list you can release some quick information…
Would you rate de King as a 10 or as a 12,5?
Thx for the reviews! 1- what makes the UP Summit XC4 a mild C iyho? 2-i love my UP Summit XC3 but was thinking about getting the XC4 but don't want to give up any passive safety in the event i miss an impending event. Can you elaborate on the differences.
Thx you! Robert
The Xc4 is little more demanding than the xc3…it has also a B rating with the passive safety of a 6.3 aspect ratio glider.
Thank you senor! I just read your Summit XC4 review and appreciate your feedback. I think I will stick with my XC3 another season and work on my skill set with that wing.
Cheers and safe landings!
Hi Ziad, Many thanks for your great blog ! Which B+ do you find the most precise, linear, agile and direct ?
Thank you.
It's difficult…but I'll choose the Arriba3 and the Tequila 4. If flown near the top weight.
I mean for brake authority and return of information ?
Summit XC 4
And for moderate AR < 6.0 ?
Rush 4 has nice handling
Hi Ziad, thank you for all your reviews. I am a low airtime pilot who logs 5-10 hours per year. I am looking for a new glider and was planning on getting a buzz z5 but my local dealer is recommending a used rush4 for about half the cost.
My highest priority is safety in flight and feeling comfortable (not scared) in somewhat turbulent conditions.
I would like to know in your opinion how much less safe or stable the rush4 is compared to the buzz z5.
It seems like the z5 is a low B while the rush is a mid (high?) B. In the real world how much safety difference is here between them?
Thank you!
For sure a low B like the Buzz would be much better…you can also look for any low B….ion 4, makalu , atlas…etc
Hi Matty,
Flying the N2 at top weight is a good thing.
You will get more agile handling and the climb is still ok.
There are also new gliders to look at…try also the Mentor 5 XS and the Chili 4 XS !
Must test fly before u decide.
salut ziad ,merci pour le travail et ta mise a jour.que pense tu de la punk bgd merci
Salut Gilles,
Merci. Je n'ai pas encore voler avec la Punk.Peut être un jour…
Hi Ziad,
Could you update your note for "Most demanding glider in strong conditions" with Rush5?