EN-C comparison (Update)
Easiest to manage in the category. 1 being most friendly user. (Most comfortable to fly for the average “C” pilot): After many flights, some changes occurred…Constant feedback…
1- Alpina 2 = Advance Sigma 9 = Mac Elan =Nexus = Volt 2 SM = Carrera plus M = Sigma 10 25 = Mac Para Elan 2, size 26 = Alpina 3 MS
2- ADVANCE Sigma 8 25 = Artik 4 25 = Ozone Delta 3 ML = Ozone Delta 2 MS
3- BGD Lynx M = Nova Sector S = Alpina 3 S
4- GRADIENT Aspen 4 26 = Triple seven Queen = Cure M = Supair Taska = Mac Para Elan 2 size 24 = Colt 2 S
5- NIVIUK Artic 3 = AD Volt 1 SM = BGD Tala M = Cayenne 4 = SOL Lotus one M = Queen 2 MS
6- GRADIENT Aspen 5 26 =U-Turn Passion SM = Carrera = Sky Argos = Skywalk Spice XS
7- MacPara Marvel 25 = UP Trango XC 2 = Cayenne 5 XS = UP Trango X-race
8- NOVA Triton 2 S
9- Trango XC 3 SM
Handling in rough air: (The one that you can turn even in rough air) loaded at +80 % of their weight range and plus!
1- Gradient Aspen 4 = Volt 2 SM = Alpina 2 = Sigma 9 = Artik 4 25 = Cayenne 5 XS = Ozone Delta 3 ML = Sigma 10 25 = BGD Lynx M = Alpina 3 MS = Alpina 3 S = Sector S = Queen 2 MS
2- Nova Factor 2 = Cure M = Artic 3 = Cayenne 4 S = Ozone Delta 2 = Triple seven Queen = Carrera= Nexus = Elan= Triton 2 S = Carrera plus M at 105! =UP Trango X-race SM =Skywalk Spice XS = Mac Para Elan 2 ,26 and 24
3- U-Turn Passion SM= BGD Tala M = Argos = Aspen 5 26 = SOL Lotus one M = Supair Taska = Aspen 6 24 = Cayenne 4 S
4- OZONE Alpina 1 M = UP Trango XC 2 S/M = Trango XC 3 SM
5- UP Summit XC2 M = Marvel 25 = Delta 1 M = AD Volt 1 SM
6- Artic 3 Race = Colt 2 S
Performance in calm air at trim speed (no activity):
1- UP Trango X-race SM
2- Cayenne 5 XS = Trango XC 3 = Ozone Delta 3 ML, MS = Skywalk Spice XS = Advance Sigma 10 25 = Alpina 3 MS = Queen 2 MS
3- BGD Lynx M = Triton 2 S = Aspen 6 24 = Alpina 3 S = Sector S
4-Triple seven Queen M = Cure M = Nexus = Supair Taska S = Mac Para Elan 2, 26 and 24
5- NIVIUK Artic 3 Race = Volt 2 SM = BGD Tala = Alpina 2 = Carrera = Aspen 5 26 = SOL Lotus one M= Artik 4 25 = Carrera plus M
6- NIVIUK Artic 3 = U-Turn Passion S/M =UP Trango XC 2 S/M = Ozone Delta 2 = Elan = Argos = Colt 2 S = Cayenne 4 S
7- Nova factor 2 S = Marvel 25 = Aspen 4 26= Sigma 9
8- Advance Sigma 8 25 & Ozone Alpina M & Ozone Delta M = AD Volt SM
9- U-Cross S
10- UP Summit XC2
Performance at “trim speed” in head wind glides and ‘Average’ turbulent conditions:
1- UP Trango X-race SM = Advance Sigma 10 25 = Queen 2 MS = Alpina 3 MS
2-Triton 2 S = SOL Lotus one = Cayenne 5 XS = Trango XC 3 = Ozone Delta 3 = Skywalk Spice XS = Aspen 6 24 = Alpina 3 S = Sector S
3- BGD Lynx M
4-Triple seven Queen M = Cure M = Nexus = Supair Taska S = Mac Para Elan2, 26 and 24
5- Alpina 2 = Aspen 5 = Artik 4 25 = Carrera Plus M
7- Carrera = Volt 2 SM
8- NIVIUK Artic 3 Race = U-Turn Passion SM = UP Trango XC 2 = Ozone Delta 2 = Elan 1 = Argos = Colt 2 S
9- Skywalk Cayenne 4 = NIVIUK Artic 3 =AD Volt SM = BGD Tala = Sigma 9
Performance at ” bar ” in headwind glides and sudden lifts :
1- Ozone Delta 3 ML = UP trango X-race SM = Advance Sigma 10 25 = Delta 3 MS = Queen 2 MS = Alpina 3 MS = Sector S
2- Aspen 6 24 = Alpina 3 S
3- Triple Seven Queen M =Trango XC 3 SM= Cayenne 5 XS = Skywalk Spice XS
4- BGD Lynx M = Triton 2 S
5- Alpina 2 = Aspen 5 = SOL Lotus one M = Cure M = Carrera plus M =Mac Para Elan 2 26 and 24
6- Carrera = Elan = UP Trango XC 2 S/M = Ozone Delta 2 = Volt 2 SM = Nexus Supair Taska S
7- NIVIUK Artic 3 Race = U-Turn Passion SM = BGD Tala= Sigma 9 =Argos = Artik 4 25 = Colt 2 S
8- NIVIUK Artic 3 = Aspen 4 =Cayenne 4 S= AD Volt SM
9- Nova factor 2 S
Climb rate in weak but “difficult” conditions < 0.5 m/s (not homogeneous thermals ,low in the inversion) : All loaded at +80 % of their weight range.
1- SOL Lotus one M = Cayenne 5 XS = Volt 2 SM = Carrera plus M
2- U-Turn Passion S/M = Ozone Delta 2 ML = Elan 1 26 = Cure M = Advance Sigma 10 25 = Aspen 6 24 = BGD Lynx M = Alpina 3 MS
3- UP Trango XC 2 S/M= Delta 2 SM = Alpina 2 = Carrera M = Alpina 3 S = Queen 2 MS
4- NIVIUK Artic 3 = Marvel 25 = Aspen 4 = Skywalk Cayenne 4 S = BGD Tala= Carrera S= Argos = Triton 2 S = Sigma 9 = Artik 4 25 = Trango XC 3 SM =Mac Para Elan 2 26 and 24 = Sector S
5- Artic 3 Race = AD Volt SM = Ozone Delta 3 ML
6- Triple seven Queen = Nexus = Colt 2 S
Climb rate in punchy thermal conditions :
1-UP Trango XC 3 SM = Cayenne 5 XS = Cure M = Ozone Delta 3 ML = UP Trango X-race SM = Skywalk Spice XS =Advance Sigma 10 25 = Aspen 6 24 = BGD Lynx M = Sector S = Alpina 3 MS = Queen 2 MS
2-UP Trango XC 2 S/M = Ozone Delta 2 = Alpina 2 = Carrera M & S= Elan = Sol Lotus One =Volt 2 SM= Carrera plus M = Supair Taska S = Mac Para Elan 2 26 and 24 = Alpina 3 S
3-U-Turn Passion S/M = Cayenne 4 = Marvel 25 = Artic 3 Race = BGD Tala M= Argos = Triton 2 S = Colt 2 S
4-Artic 3 normal = Aspen 4= AD Volt SM = Triple seven Queen M = Sigma 9 = Artik 4 25 = Nexus
Brake description :
-Ozone Alpina 3 S: light to medium pressure, precise, very agile, turn on command, a delight to fly.
-Ozone Alpina 3 MS: Quite light to moderate brake pressure, nice agility, precise, really easy to thermal, short response.
-777 Queen 2 MS: Medium pressure overall, precise, direct, agile, very good agility inside the core. It keeps inside the thermal easily.
-Nova Sector S: Medium pressure until 15 cm, then slightly harder. It’s precise, agile, need weight shift in turbulent small cores for shorter radius to keep it on track.
-UP Trango X-race SM: Moderate , super linear, super precise, exquisite, agile in moderate conditions. Needs slightly more implication in rough air for turning ability.
-BGD Lynx M. Moderate length and pressure , precise,agile linear, direct. A pleasure to fly!
-Gradient Aspen 6 24. Short travel, moderate pressure, fairly agile, linear, needs active pilot.
-Supair Taska S : Moderate, agile, linear, precise agile in moderate conditions. In turbulent air, it need application to turn.
-Skywalk Spice XS: Moderate to light, linear, precise, good agility in moderate conditions.
-Mac para Elan 2 26 (@101 all up) Moderate, linear , fairly agile.
-Mac Para Elan 2 ,24 (@90 all up) Light to moderate, linear, precise, agile, Nice handling)
-Advance Sigma 10 25 @ 96 all up. Linear, precise, agile, moderate pressure.
-Ozone Delta 3 ML: Moderate to hard, good agility in all conditions.
-Nexus :Moderate to hard, moderate agility
-UP Trango XC 3: Moderate pressure, linear, precise, agile is homogeneous conditions.
-Cure M : Agile, direct, precise, linear.
-Volt 2 SM : agile, precise, crispy and linear.
– Cayenne 5 XS: Sharp and very direct, precise, agile even in turbulent conditions, short and efficient!
– Artik 4 25 : Moderate brake travel, linear , precise, agile .
– Sol Lotus, Short, moderate to hard, precise, linear.
-Colt 2 S moderate to light, long, not precise, average to poor agility in turbulent air
– Triton 2 S, short, direct, linear, precise, average pressure.
– Aspen 5 26 , moderate brake travel, moderate to agile in turns, light.
– Sigma 9 Direct.
– Elan linear and direct, smooth.
– Argos Linear light to moderate and direct
– Triple seven Queen M (relatively short and linear, precise, medium pressure,like D2 SM )
– Alpina 2 SM (soft,linear,longer than Delta 2 SM ,agile moderate to light pressure)
– Carrera S (shorter than Alpina SM,linear, precise, agile, moderate pressure)
– Ozone Delta 2 SM, ML (linear, short ,precise ,agile with moderate pressure)
– BGD Tala M (Long and linear, fairly precise in turbulent conditions, moderate to light pressure, forgiving)
– Nova factor 2 S (very direct and precise)
– NIVIUK Artic 3 (Linear, precise, agile)
– Skywalk Cayenne 4 S (Moderate pressure, Agile linear, forgiving, smooth!!)
– Gradient Aspen 4 26 (Agile,moderate,linear,forgiving,smooth)
– U-Cross S Direct and agile if the conditions are smooth, and a bit less in turbulent ,the glider must settle first)
– U-turn Passion SM ,light to moderate, linear ,agile.
– UP Trango Xc2 S/M (medium pressure, precise, fairly agile, short)
– Marvel 25 (precise, moderate pressure, needs a bit of work in turbulent conditions)
– Ozone Alpina M (A bit longer than Factor 2 and a bit softer , more precise and shorter than the Delta M and much better turning behavior) 10-
– AD Volt SM ( Needs a bit time to enter the turn in moving conditions) – Niviuk Artic 3 Race
– Sigma 8 25 (very close in handling ,a bit long but still agile)
– UP Summit XC2 M (Long average agility to good)
– Ozone delta M (Soft, long and average precision)
(Most efficient C glider in overall XC flying ) IMHO
(1 being best) .
The one i personally feel that will gave me the most efficient XC for overall use. (ratio of comfort efficiency)
1-a -Alpina 3 MS *Best ratio of (comfort and high performance) *
1-b -UP Trango X-race SM
2- Cayenne 5 XS = Spice = Delta 3 ML & MS = Advance Sigma 10 25 = Aspen 6-24 = Queen 2 MS
3-BGD Lynx M = Alpina 3 S = Sector S
4-Alpina 2 SM = Cure M
5-Triton 2 S = Sol Lotus One = Trango XC 3 = Carrera plus
6-Aspen 5 26 ( very efficient at second bar ! )
7- Ozone Delta 2 = Up Trango XC2 = U-turn Passion = Carrera M & S = Elan = Artik 4 25 = Volt 2 SM = Nexus .
8- BGD Tala M = Niviuk Artic 3, A3 Race, Skywalk Cayenne 4, Mac Para Marvel, Colt 2 S, Ozone Alpina M, AD Volt SM, Triple seven Queen M , Argos, Sigma 9 (Easy and solid)
Faster at second bar ( if equally loaded ) :
1- Queen M = Advance Sigma 10, 25 = Mac Para Elan 2, 26 and 24 =Queen 2 MS = Sector S
2- Ozone Delta 3 ML = Artic 3 Race
3- Passion = Cayenne 4 = Aspen 4 = Argos = BGD Lynx M –
4- Cure M = Delta 2 = Sigma 8 = Alpina 2 = Sigma 9 = Aspen 5 = Cayenne 5 XS = Trango XC 3 SM= Triton 2 S = Sol Lotus One = Artik 4 25 = UP Trango X-race SM = Skywalk Spice XS = Alpina 3 S
5- Volt 2 SM = Trango XC2 = BGD Tala = Carrera = Elan = Supair Taska S
Big ears efficiency:
– Ozone Alpina 3 MS and S : ( stable, efficient, reopen on input)
– 777 Queen 2 MS : moderate stability, they usually flap, shake a bit sometimes, but reopen quickly
– Nova Sector S (stable, efficient ,reopen without intervention )
– Up Trango XC 3 ( stable and ok for a 7:0 aspect ratio glider! )
– Cayenne 5 XS ( small -2m/s and stable, little big and un-stable on this size )
-Advance Sigma 10 ,25 (with outer A’s little stable, flap a bit, efficient with bar, reopen with a slight brake pull ) With outer B’s (stable efficient with bar, reopen quickly)
– Cure M (stable ears, efficient)
– Lynx M ( Stable, efficient)
– Mac Para Elan 2 26 and 24 ( efficient ,stable, needs pilot input to re-open)
– Ozone Delta 3 ML (easy, moderate efficiency, stable, doesn’t reopen by themselves)
– Volt 2 SM (stable ears, efficient)
– UP Trango X-race SM ( doable with A’s and outer B’s. Stable, moderate efficiency, reopen by themselves)
– Aspen 4 26 (very efficient in big ears) = Nova Factor 2 =Cayenne 4 S =
– Ozone Delta 2 = BGD Tala = Queen = Alpina 2 = Carrera (stable and efficient)= Sigma 9 =Elan =Argos = Sol Lotus One= Artik 4 25
Artic 3 = Artic 3 Race = U-Turn Passion SM =Triton 2 S (stable moderate ears ) =UP Trango XC 2 S/M= AD Volt SM = Aspen 5 26 .
– Marvel 25 (moderate use of big ears-moves a bit)
– BGD Lynx M ( Stable ears ) reopen by themselves.
The Triton 2 S requires much more energy from the pilot to control it in heavy conditions.
The Lotus one has also some impressive performance, but to place it wherever you want in turbulent conditions requires also some finer inputs.
The Aspen 5 is really some great glider at second bar! It resembles the Triton 2 S in full speed glide! …To extract the full performance it needs an active piloting for sure and the way to turn it quickly in turbulent cores needs a little time.
The Cayenne 5 has the edge in surges into thermals, and the superb sharp and direct brake travel!
In weak conditions, it requires a bit more to handle than the Alpina 2 but it’s a very efficient C glider. If only the ears were a bit more efficient and stable …
The Trango XC 3 is demanding to fly regarding the surrounding C’s. Of course it’s very efficient in cutting and climbing. The glide is good also but it needs the most energy to handle in this specific category!
The BGD Cure surprises by the ratio comfort/aspect ratio. The overall package of performance, accessibility and pleasurable feel is very nice.
The AD Volt 2 SM is a very comfortable glider to fly with a very nice brake authority. The Climb rate is ‘great !
The Elan 2 26 is an easy C glider, fast trim, nice glide.
The Elan 2 24 is more demanding to fly than the size 26.
UPDATE for usability:
Please remember that sizes differ a lot and surely the loading’s! Other sizes may have other characteristics …
The first 4 places are very close. Indeed superb machines! Different taste for everyone …
The most important: Only the pilot will make a difference.
C & D gliders: UPDATED.
This grade is to say how busy a glider is, in strong conditions, or the one that’s more difficult to manage, comparing to the B category.
Since this is a very delicate comparison, i must point out that the glider that has quicker authority on the brakes like the Triton 2 will enable a good pilot to keep it swiftly overhead. Some doesn’t have that quick response and in strong conditions they won’t keep the pilot as busy, but he will be the ‘passenger’ for a short lapse of time …
The grade doesn’t indicate the one that recovers easier or harder!!Only that keeps you busier! Most will have easier recovery than the higher graded!
Mac Elan M (@98all up) *7
AD Volt 2 SM @ 90 all up *7
Swing Nexus (@94 all up) *7.0
Up Summit XC 3 S (@94 all up) *7.5
Mac Elan light 24 (@90 all up) *7.5
Mac Para Elan 2, 26 ( @ 101 all up) *7.5
Advance Sigma 9 25 (@91 all up) *7.5
Ozone Alpina 3 MS (@92 allup) *7.5
Advance Sigma 10, 25 (@96 all up) *8.3
BGD Lynx M (@ 92 all up) *8.4
Niviuk Artik 4 25 (@91 all up) *8.5
Ozone Delta 3 ML ( @ 102 all up) *8.5
Ozone Alpina 2 SM (@92 all up) * 8.5
Ozone Delta 3 MS (@92 all up) *8.7
Delta 2 SM size (@ 92 all up) *8.7
Nova Sector S (@96 all up) *8.8
777 Queen M (@ 101 all up) *9
Dude Colt 2 S @ 90 all up *9.0
BGD Cure (@ 93 all up) *9.1
Aspen 5 26 (@98all up) *10
Mac Para Elan 2, 24 (@ 90 all up) *10
Supair Taska S (@94 all up) *10
777 Queen 2 MS (@98 allup) *10
Skyman CrossAlps S (@90 all up) *10.5
Skywalk Spice XS (@90 all up) *10.8
Skywalk Cayenne 5 XS (90 all up) *11
Sol Lotus one (@ 98 all up) *11
Gradient Aspen 6-24 (a2 90 all up) *11
UP Trango Race SM (07 all up) *11.5
Ozone Mantra 6 SM (@94 all up) *12
Ozone LM6 SM (@95 all up) *12.2
Gin Gto 2 S size (@94 all up) *12.5
Advance OXA 2 @ 96 all up *12.5
Skywalk Poison X-Alps *12.5
Up Trango XC3 SM *12.5
Triton 2 in S size (@ 96 all up) *12.5 (M size could be different) !
Niviuk Peak 4 23 (98all up) *12.5
Niviuk Peak 4 21 (@86all up) *13
Niviuk IP6 26 (@98 all up) *13.5
Ozone Zeno MS (@98 all up) *13.5
Ozone R-10 S (@ 98 all up) *15.0