OZONE R&D department. Luc Armant interview ( 28-March 2018)
Luc Armant was so kind to answer a few questions for all of us flying vultures 🙂
1- Dustoftheuniverse : What your personal insights on future paragliding designs? Will we experience some revolution projects? like the first BBHPP ?
Luc Armant : Great stuff still to come. Yes ! some revolution should come. Future will tell…
2-DOTU: What can you tell the pilots of the future M6 replacement project?
Luc Armant : Still experimental stage. Long term project. We want to create a new reference 3 liner wing.
2- DOTU: Will you be able to get more overall performance than the 6.9 aspect ratio M6 on a lower aspect ? and is it possible considering that the competition has lower aspect ratio close to 6.5 in the C class.
Luc Armant : Yes, it’s possible. Current prototypes have 6.5 aspect ratio with much more performance.
3- DTOU: I personally Consider the Alpina 3 until this moment to have the best ratio of overall performance /comfort ever built on a C performance glider, what would your design philosophy toward the M7 project to be ?
Luc Armant : I’m glad to read that. Delta3/Alpina 3 was a long and difficult project to get finished. Design philosophy for the M7 is simplicity, pleasure and high performance.
4- DOTU: What kind of handling the M7 would have ? Are you focusing also on handling ? especially having a lower aspect ratio than the M6 ?
Luc Armant : Handling is very important. We currently have very pleasant prototypes in that matter. Lower AR helps as well.
5- DOTU: Will you consider one version? a 3 liner ? or two versions with one as two liner ?
Luc Armant : Only one version.
6- DOTU: Do you consider that the top speed is important for you to insert in the D category ?
Luc Armant : Yes. But it needs to stay reasonable in term of safety after collapses at full speed. It can’t be as fast as current CCC.
7- DOTU: Any release in 2018 ?
Luc Armant : Yes.
8- DOTU: Is there any new materials ,as lines, cloth, that can increase future safety and performance ?
Luc Armant : No. Light material and light construction helps a bit safety. It’s more new design feature and setting that can help a lot.
9- DOTU: what category do you forecast that will get the most benefits in performance in the near future?
Luc Armant : D category remains the most interesting for evolution specially since the others have been banned of collapse lines, but this may be revised in a near future. Many are now realizing the downside of this ban.
DOTU: Thank you very much Luc for your answers. Looking forward.