I have made a mistake—in fact, a huge mistake… In 30 years, it has never happened to me…
The details:
I was waiting for both the Sigma DLS 22 Petrol and 24 Spectra to arrive. My friend called me saying that the 24 Spectra color has arrived and I should pick it up.
With everything going on in my country and all the problems my head can carry…I swiftly pick up the bag with the Spectra color on it and head on to the takeoff. With my Impress 4 at 92 all up, I took off and later flew next to my friends. After two hours, I landed and wrote my impressions.
The weird thing is that, after 15 days, as I was re-arranging my gliders, I saw the outside bag of the supposed Sigma DLS 24 (Spectra) and saw the number (22)! I froze for like an hour…My eyes pooped out!
Seeing the spectra color with the size 22 ( 68-87) with an ideal range between (72-84) I opened the glider to see that the label on the Sigma DLS I had tested was indeed the size 22!
I flew that size at 92, which was 8 kilos from the ideal weight range! This largely explains the difficult climb rate in weak air!
I am so sorry for that…I don’t know how this happened…Surely, I’m getting old…
Now I have the size 24 (Solid statement after wearing my glasses )!
I will re-test the Sigma DLS next week when the weather improves, especially for the climb rate in weak and the overall behavior!
Sigma DLS size 22 (Petrol)
Yesterday, I flew the Sigma DLS size 22 with my Lightness 4 harness at 83, all up in moderate air.
The handling and turning abilities at 83, in combination with the Lightness 4, deliver a very agile and playful glider. I could easily core any thermal in super tight turns. The climb rate is now more than acceptable at that load!
More to come soon for both sizes.
Again, my apologies for that terrible and awkward mistake!