Niviuk Artik 7 P size 23
For 2025/26 Niviuk released a new light construction, 2-3 hybrid line version of the EN-C certified glider.
When I test-flew the Artik 6 three years ago, I still remember its pleasurable and direct handling and its subtle character for the C category.
The Artik 7 P has a light construction and weights around 3.25 kg
I flew the Artik 7 P with my Arrow harness from 89 to 93 all up to find out later that 90–91 is good in all conditions.
Launching the Artik 7 P couldn’t be as straightforward! In nil wind, the rise is immediate without any hard point, and the take-off is fast and smooth. In windy take offs, the Artik 7 P handling keeps it well controlled. Taking off in any condition is bliss.
Turning abilities.
First turn…And… OMG!
What a beautiful turning behavior that glider has !! 🙂 I really missed those turns! Short brake, precise input, moderate pressure, linear feel, immediate response! I don’t know what a pilot would need more to be an extension of his invisible wings!
In a weak climb, the pilot can guide the Artik 7 P with a 5 cm pull and high precision inside the core.
Even in strong thermals, the pilot has the authority on the brakes to place the Artik 7 P immediately inside any core.
Each time I fly that glider, I pray to catch as many thermals in order to get that turning feel! It’s like snacking on your favorite cake and hoping it doesn’t finish 🙂 !!
Climb rate:
Flying the Artik 7 P from 89 to even 93, gave me a very efficient climb rate in weak thermals. The Artik 7 P is a good floater in the 2/ 3 hybrid line C category. In strong thermals, the pitch is nearly absent and the climb is immediate. I believe that the Artik 7 P has a very efficient climb rate in that category, and perhaps, close enough to the 2-2-liners with slower to enter the airmass which is logical for the 2/ 3-line concept. But still, if flying for fun with your buddies on their 2 liners at trim speed, you can stay very close in climb and by pushing slightly on the speed bar in transitions.
In moderate to turbulent air, ( winter time over here) I found out that the Artik 7 P is very coherent and homogenous, and underneath you feel that high passive safety, by the slower movements the glider makes when you hit turbulence.
Glide and speed.
For a 3-3-liner C class glider, The Artik 7 P seems to get the highest rating in glide. I flew next to some 2 liners in calm air, and the glide seemed good. It is in a headwind and difficult air, that the 2 liners will logically have the upper hand, but for the 2/3 hybrid line class, the Artik 7 P shines.
The top speed of the Artik 7 P is 13 km/h over trim, with moderate pressure on the speed bar, very stable and accessible all the way.
Artik 6/ Artik 7 P:
The Artik 7 P reminded me of that beautiful Artik 6 handling. The Artik 7 P has the right spices to make you feel and appreciate every thermal. Not too dampened but also not chatty. An easy-to-fly 2/3 liner C with exceptional handling and agility!
The B/C system allows you to control the glider overhead in most cases, while on bar with a moderate and steady pressure.
Packing and volume:
Built with nitinol rods and with its light structure, the packing is quite small and can fit into a 75 to 90 L bag with an Arrow P harness.
Big ears are largely stable and very efficient which could get you with a speed bar of around (- 4.5 m/s) .
Wingovers are easily done with good energy inside the glider.
Hitting a tight spot is easily done with the Artik 7 P, as it can be slowed down well, and the stall point is below your hips.
The Artik 7 P offers a wonderful feel underneath. Playful, agile, direct on the brakes, loads of performance, in climb and also in glide, light has the ability to pack small!
A tool of pure joy! It is very difficult to separate yourself from such a glider! Even for someone who must test fly different ones every week… 😉
If you are a sensible pilot who wants pleasurable handling and good comfort in all conditions and doesn’t want to get into the 2-liner category for a more passive safety feel and mellower recovery after collapses, knowing that it will get as far as you want, this is the glider you must test-fly!
Happy and safe flights,